Reviving suppressed orchestral music through recordings and performances
About The Project
The purpose of the Project is to record and actively disseminate suppressed orchestral music of the Holocaust from Jewish composers that were persecuted by the Nazi’s along with other compositions that were banned for non-musical reasons. The Wiener Holocaust Library, Symphonova UK Ltd., The Leo Smit Foundation and Donemus Publishing have come together to achieve this ambitious purpose. Together we bring a wealth of expertise, resources, and passion and look forward to bringing lost musical treasures to the public awareness.


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Read in today’s The Times and The Sunday Times about Symphonova and the Reawakening…
Suppressed Music Project. Lianne Kolirin ‘s insightful article echoes the message of “We can’t bring the composers back to life but we can bring their inheritance to life.” Read more:
..the work of composers once silenced by Nazi persecution was heard again as part of a commemoration of the life and work of Dr. Alfred Bader.
Hans Krieg’s Jiskor and Robert Kahn’s Praeludium were part of the musical programme at the Friends House Library, London, at an event organised in association with the Weiner Holocaust Library, Quakers in Britain and Symphonova UK.
The event also featured a new composition by Joe Kraemer performed by Shelley Katz using the MicroSymphonova.
Thanks are also due to Dr. Barbara Warnock of the @wienerlibrary, Marian McNichol of the Quaker Asylum & Refugee Network, and Prof. Jeremy Sanders, whose contributions addressed both Alfred Bader’s experience as a refugee from the Nazi regime and his work in the field of chemistry.
Reviving the work of composers suppressed in their own time is the core mission of the Reawakening @suppressed_music Project, undertaking its work in collaboration with the @wienerlibrary, Symphonova UK Ltd, @donemus Publishing and the @leo.smit.stichting Foundation.
Please sign up via our website to be informed of future events and to learn more about our work. – Link in Bio!
The wonderful soprano accompanying Shelley Katz and the MicroSymphonova: Helen Bailey